Mods here have issues and think they can kick however they want, they say the admin is no better. I want to see.


Honestly I feel silly thinking that this site no longer had forums, I just didn't check the sidebar and assumed forums was no longer a thing on here, considering how little anyone cares about **** around here. I sent a message via the Contact Us link around the register/login page about the issue, I don't know if that will be seen or not but it sucks not to able to revisit it. Now I have to start from scratch if any questions regarding preceding matters are asked. Anyways I'll start from what's recent, mod who's name is Paul- forgot his username.

Username- あいすくりーむ
Reason of Kick- There is none, the mod in question kicked me just because they felt like it and believe nobody cares and they can do what they want because according to them and another user- even the admin does the same- kicks and/or bans indiscriminately(I hope that's false)
Account Type- Registered
Time of Kick: Around 4:20am for me. (I'm on GMT+1)- if that's of any use. Also, he gave a 2 hour kick.
Author of Kick- Mod named Paul- I don't remember his username and can't find it since I've been kicked from the chat. I'm sure he'll come say something anyways.